Public Paper
Investigation Of Geo Hydraulic Parameters Using Surface Geophysical Method In Yenegoa Metropolis, Southern Nigeria
ISSN: 2195-1381Publisher: author   
Investigation Of Geo Hydraulic Parameters Using Surface Geophysical Method In Yenegoa Metropolis, Southern Nigeria
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Aquifer hydraulic parameters which include porosity (Φ), hydraulic conductivity (K), and transmissivity (T) of the aquifer system in Yenegoa city, bayelsa state, Nigeria was studied using geoelectrical sounding. The geoelectrical sounding data consist of fifteen (15) vertical electrical sounding (VES) acquired using the schlumberger array with current electrode half- spacing ranging between 100-200m. A maximum of four geoelectric layers were delineated, the aquifers are characterized by loose sand with resistivity ranging from 27.7 - 1588.9Ωm and thickness of 14.1 - 56.5m. The results show that the VES curves consist mainly of KH and HK curves. Using the VES results and water resistivity, porosity was determined using modified Archie’s equation, Hydraulic conductivity been determined using Kozeny-carman equation and transmissivity was determined using the Dar-Zarrouk approach. The porosity and hydraulic conductivity values vary betwee...
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