Public Paper
Problematic In The Teaching And Learning Of L2 French In Cameroon: The Case Of La Tragedie Du Roi Christophe By Aime C...
ISSN: 2195-1381Publisher: author   
Problematic In The Teaching And Learning Of L2 French In Cameroon: The Case Of La Tragedie Du Roi Christophe By Aime C...
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This paper analyzes findings of a qualitative study conducted in the teaching and learning of L2 French in Cameroon. It is out to identify the problems encountered in the teaching and learning of French language in the second cycle of the secondary general education of the English- speaking Cameroon classroom. It sets out to verify in what ways La Tragédie du Roi Christophe could be an appropriate text for students of L2 French who are just being introduced to literary texts and literature in French. The study reveals that the selection for literary texts to be used in the teaching and learning of L2 French, does not quite take into account the linguistic needs of the learner and the context of study. Thus, the teacher does not find it easy to read, motivate and impact knowledge to the learner the way it should be. The language is generally hermetic and leaves the teacher and learner with no choice but with some kind of reductionist p...
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