Public Paper
Numerical Solution Via a Singular Mixed Integral Equation in (2+1) Dimensional
ISSN: 2195-1381Publisher: author   
Numerical Solution Via a Singular Mixed Integral Equation in (2+1) Dimensional
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In this paper, under certain conditions, the unique solution of a mixed integral equation (MIE) with a singular kernel in position and a continuous kernel in time, in (2+1) dimensional is discussed and obtained in the space After using a separation technique method, and Product Nystrom Method (PNM), we have a linear algebraic system (LAS) in two- dimensional with time coefficients. The convergence of the unique solution of the LAS is studied. In the end, and with the aid of Maple 18, many applications when a singular term of position kernel takes a logarithmic form and Carleman function are solved numerically. Moreover, the error is computed. Keywords: Mixed integral equation, Fredholm integral equation, linear algebraic system, singular kernel, product Nystrom method, logarithmic kernel, Carleman function
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