Public Paper
Fatigue Strength Analysis of Bogie Frame Under Wheel Polygon
ISSN: 2195-1381Publisher: author   
Fatigue Strength Analysis of Bogie Frame Under Wheel Polygon
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The development of the railway bogie includes analysis and testing of the bogie frame. The main purpose of the frame is to withstand or transfer vertical loads of the superstructure with payload. Many researchers have conducted research on wheel polygonal wear and bogie frame fatigue analysis. Several published papers have reviewed the research question of "what is the influence of different wear amplitudes on fatigue of bogie is being answered”. Different review articles have been looked into and proper consideration has been put on and identified the research gap. The bogie could be improved by reducing variable frequency drive or wheel reprofiling that can revamp the system to its original or some acceptable working condition. Detailed data on the bogie frame has been collected from the kinds of literature. Then modelling of the bogie frame has been performed by using solid works and besides, and detailed sensitivity analysis has b...
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