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A Review on Finite Element Method for Static Analysis of a Passenger Bogie Frame
ISSN: 2195-1381Publisher: author   
A Review on Finite Element Method for Static Analysis of a Passenger Bogie Frame
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The development of the railway bogie includes analysis and testing of the bogie frame as an important and integral member of the bogie. The main purpose of the bogie frame is to withstand or transfer vertical loads of the superstructure with payload, lateral forces caused by negotiating the curves, the interaction between rail and wheel and longitudinal force. Static analysis of the bogie frame ensures safe, reliable and efficient operation. However, many researchers have applied different methods of determining the stability and safety of the railway bogie and different methods and analyses have been used under different loading conditions. However, studies which tend to have a combination of different methods and conditions during analysis are rare and considered in very few cases. The main aim of this review paper is to identify the weakness associated with the existing different methods used in static analysis of a passenger bogie...
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