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Public Paper

    Effect of Illumination Cycle on Sleep Depth

    ISSN: 2195-1381

    Publisher: author   

Effect of Illumination Cycle on Sleep Depth

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Abstract To develop a resting space before sleep, we evaluated the period of lighting flashes and the subjects' environmental physiological responses. The purpose of this study is to determine how changing the cycle of lighting given before bedtime affects sleep. Slow-wave sleep percentage increased when subjects were exposed to lighting fixtures with 0.12-Hz peak period. Exposure to sinusoidal lighting caused a change in the favorable impression of the light, and the preference reduced the waking time, resulting in an increase in slow-wave sleep percentage. These results suggest that a 0.12-Hz illumination cycle before bedtime leads to deeper sleep. It is shown that the quality of sleep can be improved by lowering arousal and preparing for bedtime by experiencing relaxation before sleep. This study focuses on the effect of the sleeping space on sleep state, particularly on the air volume, specification, and brightness of the environment and t...

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