Public Paper
Seismic Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Structures by the Endurance Time Method
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Seismic Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Structures by the Endurance Time Method
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Earthquakes are the most dangerous hazard for buildings all around the world. So, estimating the risk of building destruction seems necessary in people safety and building consistence. Endurance time method is a new method for performance based earthquake analysis and design of structures. A reinforced concrete structure is analyzed by endurance time method in this article. Drift of stories in elements as damage index is scrutinized in this paper. The damage index construe from vibrating of structure under accelerograms is monitored up to the collapse level or other performance limit that defines the endurance limit point for the structures. Accordingly, tolerable time of the structure to reach to the limit point is determined. Sap 2000 is used for analyzing the structure. The structure is also analyzed by pushover method. Pushover method is a nonlinear procedure for analyzing the structure to estimate the hazard of earthquakes. Subse...
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Maryam Ehsaei, Abdolrasol Ranjbaran
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