Public Paper
Pyroelectric effect in PZT and PMN-0.25PT ceramics for hybrid energy harvesting in different interface circuits
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Pyroelectric effect in PZT and PMN-0.25PT ceramics for hybrid energy harvesting in different interface circuits
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Energy harvesting is a process of receiving green energy sources (such as solar, thermal, wind, and kinetic energy), which are free and plentiful in ambient, and converting them into electrical power for electrical devices. Recent developments in microelectronic and energy harvesting technologies and also growing industrial demands in wireless devices, led to a technological break-through in terms of self-powered autonomous systems. Two of the most popular methods for harvesting energy consisted the application of piezoelectric and pyroelectric materials in scavenging energy from vibration and thermal gradients, respectively. This paper presents a hybrid harvesting technique by piezoelectric and pyroelectric effect, simultaneously. The concept of method and theoretical analysis is presented in details for standard, SECE (Synchronous electrical charge Extraction), parallel and series SSHI (synchronize switch harvesting on inductor). Nu...
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Kamran Niazi, Masoud Goudarzi
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