Public Paper
Cross-Strait Flights Service quality and Customer Satisfaction between Taiwan and the Mainland China
ISSN: 2195-1381Publisher: author   
Cross-Strait Flights Service quality and Customer Satisfaction between Taiwan and the Mainland China
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In recent years, due to the opening of cross-strait policy and the rapid growth of direct flights between mainland China and Taiwan, the competition among airlines will be more intense. If air carriers want to become more competitive, they have to realize major sources of competitive advantage. Service quality is often seen as a prime determinant. In a highly competitive circumstance like the cross-strait direct flight market, how to provide high quality service to satisfy passengers is an important source of competitive advantage for airlines. Airlines can benefit achieving competitive advantage by doing their best to create and maintain service quality, which can lead to customer satisfaction. This study is to examine customers’ satisfaction with the services of the cross-strait flights between Kaohsiung and the mainland China. From collecting the questionnaire data of the airlines passengers at Kaohsiung airport, we attempt to in...
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