Public Paper
The Relationship between Feasibility Study and Business Plan in Nigeria
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The Relationship between Feasibility Study and Business Plan in Nigeria
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This study is on testing the relationship between Feasibility study and business plan in Nigeria. The study is motivated by the perceived importance of feasibility study to the possibility of success of any business venture. We are well aware of the fact that many businesses have failed owing to lack of proper feasibility study, while some others even failed after feasibility study was carried out on them. As such, it is our aim in this study to test if there exist a relationship between feasibility study and business plan. It made use of primary data sourced from 125 respondents through administering of questionnaire. Their responses were tested using appropriate statistical tools like the simple percentage and the Chi-square research techniques; our study revealed that there is a strong relationship between feasibility study and business success venture. However, the study also revealed that not all businesses succeeds or fail owing...
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Hassan Olanrewaju Makinde
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