Public Paper
A Low Impact-Efficient V2H-Battery Charging Scheme for EV-Electric Vehicles
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A Low Impact-Efficient V2H-Battery Charging Scheme for EV-Electric Vehicles
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This paper presents an efficient low impact V2H Battery Charging scheme developed by the Second Author for EV-Electric Vehicles. The FACTS based low impact EV-battery charging scheme is stabilized using a hybrid FACTS based NP-SF Filter Compensator that ensures a fully stabilized Common-AC and DC Bus voltages, reduced inrush current conditions and efficient AC-DC energy exchanges. The Li-Ion Battery is charged efficiently and quickly from the single phase source using a dynamic error driven multi loop controller. The FACTS dynamic Filter Compensation Scheme is fully regulated using the Modified Dual- loop PID controller to control the Boost-Type DC Chopper and FACTS NP-SFC Filter Compensator. A Dual- Loop dynamic error driven controller is used to regulate the Dc common bus and limit inrush current/overloading conditions. The Boost DC Chopper is utilized to regulate the power transfer from the AC source to Lithium-Ion Cell batteries. ...
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E. Elbakush, A. M. Sharaf
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