Public Paper
B-Carotene (Natural Dye) Sensitized Tio2 for Solar Cell Application
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B-Carotene (Natural Dye) Sensitized Tio2 for Solar Cell Application
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A study on optimization of natural dye (B-carotene) concentration (carrot extract and ether) as sensitizer on TiO2 was carried out by preparing natural dyes for different ratios to employ in solar cell. The natural dye B-carotene was prepared by mixing extract of carrot and ether for different ratios and coated on TiO2 film as sensitizer by doctor blade technique. Then the optical properties of B-carotene and TiO2 sensitized with B-carotene were studied to investigate the dependence of optical absorption with extract of carrot and ether concentration ratios. It was observed that TiO2 sensitized with B-carotene prepared at the ratio of 1:3 (carotene and ether) shown maximum absorption implying that this sample can be used in solar cell fabrication to achieve maximum conversion efficiency. Index Terms—Dye sensitized solar cells, natural dyes, B-carotene, TiO2 film
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Renukadevi K.
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