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Controlling the Geometrical Location of Equilibrium Point of Inflow and Outflow Hydrographs by Using Linearization Met...
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Controlling the Geometrical Location of Equilibrium Point of Inflow and Outflow Hydrographs by Using Linearization Met...
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Since constructing and protecting the dams and repairing and maintaining the relevant facilities are costly it is essential to realize proper water exploitation and its security when there is flood. Most of the dams are currently equipped with gated spillways to make water exploitation in dams more flexible. The gates on the spillway change and control the reservoir’s level, control flood, create higher reserve levels in the reservoir, increase the net pressure for the hydraulic power plant, release the water with delay and prevent physical harm and financial damages in the downstream. The gates’ improper performance and not being careful when designing and manufacturing them leads to dangerous dam overtopping. The gates must be opened and closed based on the exploitation schedule so they prevent flood in the dam downstream. The balance point of the dam’s input and output flood is determined in this article through linearizing n...
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Mohammad Ali Lotfollahi Yaghin, Mohammad Rahim Afshani
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