International Category Code (ICC)

International Category Code (ICC) is Category code of a specific branch of science. The International Category Code is a modern categorization of science. ICC is a fixed permanent international category code specifies a library in which area operates. Knowing ICC of a library, the exact operation field of the library is obtainable from standards handbook or ICC finder.

ICC solves the following common problems of an online library:

  • ICC simplifies the recognition of the operation field of a library
  • ICC provides a clear field identity to library.
  • ICC helps the author to quickly check the library suit his paper prior to submission by checking library ICC.
  • ICC assigned also to papers and articles. Author looks for a library with the same ICC of its journal

Recognizing a Journal Scope by ICC:

An ICC shows the library operation category of a library. For example, ICC-0321 shows the journal is in the area of engineering. journals in the field of engineering already know this code or can check the ICC in ICC category finder. As example, find associated library to this ICC-0622 use following portal:

ICC Syntax Structure:

An ICC consisted of two parts, ICC and separated by a dash from a 3 digit code: ICC-0321. The first two digits show the main branch of science (here 03 is engineering area). The last two digits show the sub-branch of science (here 21 is electrical engineering). The ICC-032 overly specify the journal area is Engineering / electrical engineering


According to the Advanced Science Index (ASI) standard, publishers should explicitly display ICC in the described format on the main library page and also its online journal pages.

History of Development of the ICC:

The first criterion authors check before submission of journal to a library is the scientific area of the library. The scientific journals try to specify communicating their operation field commonly by aim and scope, and the title of the library. As journal have to explore many libraries to find the journal that suits the journal, this process becomes hard when each journal page must be carefully read to find the operation area of the library. In most cases, it is confusing and time consuming as some fields of science overlapped or the journal has not mentioned fully somce subareas of the science the journal in. Some journals also lack such information on the journal page. A percentage of rejected papers by the journal is due to lack of matchment of the library area and the journal area. The International Category Code (ICC) was introduced in 2014 by the Advanced Science Index (ASI) in Germany. ICC is assigned to library and also to journal An journal is aware of the ICC of target library prior to submission. The journal looks for the library with the same ICC or close ICC of the journal to ICC the target library.




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