German Journal of
Advanced Electronic Research

The total number of results is 632. Page 23 from 42.


Drive Cycle Performance of Hybrid-Electric Vehicles

Drive Cycle Performance of Hybrid-Electric Vehicles

Drive Cycle Performance of Hybrid-Electric Vehicles

Drive Cycle Performance of Hybrid-Electric Vehicles

Reasons for Implementing Public-Private Partnership in Road Construction: Perspective from State-Owned Agencies and Private Sector in Ghana

Reasons for Implementing Public-Private Partnership in Road Construction: Perspective from State-Owned Agencies and Private Sector in Ghana

Four-Wave Mixing Effect and Its Security Implications on a WDM System

Four-Wave Mixing Effect and Its Security Implications on a WDM System

Thermal Performance of Flat Plate Solar Collectors for Humid and Unpredicted Weather using Air Properties and Energy Method

Thermal Performance of Flat Plate Solar Collectors for Humid and Unpredicted Weather using Air Properties and Energy Method

Assessment of Work-Based Competencies Required of Secondary School Teachers in Undergraduate Business Education Curriculum in South-West, Nigeria.

Assessment of Work-Based Competencies Required of Secondary School Teachers in Undergraduate Business Education Curriculum in South-West, Nigeria.

Secure Wireless Communications Based On Antenna Array Elements

Secure Wireless Communications Based On Antenna Array Elements

Exploring the Skills Set Development and its Job Market Relevance of the HND Purchasing and Supply Programme

Exploring the Skills Set Development and its Job Market Relevance of the HND Purchasing and Supply Programme

Design and Implementation of a Web Based Health Information System

Design and Implementation of a Web Based Health Information System

Impact of Promotional Tools on Marketing of Library Services: An Exploratory Study of Polytechnics in Ghana

Impact of Promotional Tools on Marketing of Library Services: An Exploratory Study of Polytechnics in Ghana

Knowledge and practices of Hygiene of Fresh-Cut Fruit Vendors - A case study of New Juaben Municipality in the Eastern Region of Ghana

Knowledge and practices of Hygiene of Fresh-Cut Fruit Vendors - A case study of New Juaben Municipality in the Eastern Region of Ghana

Performance Evaluation of a Cowpea Thresher at Various Moisture Contents

Performance Evaluation of a Cowpea Thresher at Various Moisture Contents

Effects of Energy Storage Systems on Fuel Economy of Hybrid-Electric Vehicles

Effects of Energy Storage Systems on Fuel Economy of Hybrid-Electric Vehicles

Investigation of Wind Energy Potential at Selected Locations in the Volta Region of Ghana

Investigation of Wind Energy Potential at Selected Locations in the Volta Region of Ghana

Assessing the Strength of Lightweight Concrete using Oil Palm Shells (OPS) as Coarse Aggregates

Assessing the Strength of Lightweight Concrete using Oil Palm Shells (OPS) as Coarse Aggregates
The total number of results is 632.
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