German Journal of
Advanced Electronic Research

The total number of results is 632. Page 5 from 42.


Studying the Effect of AC Source’s Frequencies to Micro Electromechanical System

Studying the Effect of AC Source’s Frequencies to Micro Electromechanical System

Applying A Spectrum Estimation Algorithm for Time Estimating to Determine User Location in UMTS Network

Applying A Spectrum Estimation Algorithm for Time Estimating to Determine User Location in UMTS Network

Design of A Model for M-Commerce using Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC)

Design of A Model for M-Commerce using Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC)

AGC in Deregulated Environment Using Bacterial Foraging Optimisation

AGC in Deregulated Environment Using Bacterial Foraging Optimisation

Midterm Air Pollution Monitoring and Prediction Based on Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System

Midterm Air Pollution Monitoring and Prediction Based on Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System

GA Tuned PID Controller for Position Control of BLDC Motor

GA Tuned PID Controller for Position Control of BLDC Motor

By Using Tongue Feature Extraction, Detection of Diabetes Mellitus

By Using Tongue Feature Extraction, Detection of Diabetes Mellitus

Finding Diverse Paths for Robot Navigation Using a Fast Random Walk Approach

Finding Diverse Paths for Robot Navigation Using a Fast Random Walk Approach

A Novel Method of Design of Choke for a Fluorescent Lamp Using Standard Stampings

A Novel Method of Design of Choke for a Fluorescent Lamp Using Standard Stampings

The System of Shadow Detection and Removal Using Object Oriented Technique

The System of Shadow Detection and Removal Using Object Oriented Technique

A Review: Hybrid Optical Amplifiers in Wavelength Division Multiplexed Systems and Their Challenges/Future Scopes

A Review: Hybrid Optical Amplifiers in Wavelength Division Multiplexed Systems and Their Challenges/Future Scopes

Acoustic Propagation Modeling Based on Underwater Wireless Sensor Communication - Research Challenges

Acoustic Propagation Modeling Based on Underwater Wireless Sensor Communication - Research Challenges

A Novel Index Measured Segmentation Based Imputation Algorithm (with Cross Folds) for Missing Data Imputation

A Novel Index Measured Segmentation Based Imputation Algorithm (with Cross Folds) for Missing Data Imputation

Analysis of Disks, Relational and Non-Relational Databases for Forensics Investigations

Analysis of Disks, Relational and Non-Relational Databases for Forensics Investigations

5G - Upcoming of Mobile Wireless Communication

5G - Upcoming of Mobile Wireless Communication
The total number of results is 632.
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