The total number of results is 1053. Page 25 from 70.


Book review: Theories of international politics and zombies

Book review: Theories of international politics and zombies

Brazil and the Security Council of the United Nations under President Dilma

Brazil and the Security Council of the United Nations under President Dilma

New frontiers in Science Diplomacy - navigating the changing balance of power

New frontiers in Science Diplomacy - navigating the changing balance of power

Science Diplomacy and Innovation Diplomacy: a systematic literature review on the Brazilian perspective

Science Diplomacy and Innovation Diplomacy: a systematic literature review on the Brazilian perspective

Diplomatic narratives on science, technology and innovation: power, cooperation and perspectives from Brazil as a developing country

Diplomatic narratives on science, technology and innovation: power, cooperation and perspectives from Brazil as a developing country

Science, technology and innovation in Brazil’s international agenda from 1990 to 2010

Science, technology and innovation in Brazil’s international agenda from 1990 to 2010

From science diplomacy to education diplomacy: the brazilian case

From science diplomacy to education diplomacy: the brazilian case

Legal elites and international relations: the Wilson Center on the anticorruption agenda of the brazilian judiciary

Legal elites and international relations: the Wilson Center on the anticorruption agenda of the brazilian judiciary

Brazil and the Malvinas War - an analysis of the brazilian decision-making process

Brazil and the Malvinas War - an analysis of the brazilian decision-making process

Autonomy and development as constitutive ideas in the nuclear cooperation between Argentina and Brazil

Autonomy and development as constitutive ideas in the nuclear cooperation between Argentina and Brazil

"Open door, date window": national guarantees for the refuge and its contrast with the reports of syrian refugees in São Paulo, Brazil

"Open door, date window": national guarantees for the refuge and its contrast with the reports of syrian refugees in São Paulo, Brazil

Brazil and its regional projection: perspectives on hegemony and regionalism in South America in the Post-Cold War era

Brazil and its regional projection: perspectives on hegemony and regionalism in South America in the Post-Cold War era

La formación del docente comienza en su práctica de aula: Una experiencia de aprendizaje en ambientes virtuales

La formación del docente comienza en su práctica de aula: Una experiencia de aprendizaje en ambientes virtuales

La gamificación como experiencia de aprendizaje en la educación

La gamificación como experiencia de aprendizaje en la educación

Modelo de aprendizaje mixto para el desarrollo de investigaciones colaborativas: una aplicación conectivista

Modelo de aprendizaje mixto para el desarrollo de investigaciones colaborativas: una aplicación conectivista
The total number of results is 1053.
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